Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Ancient Art- How was it expressed?

Hi Kids,
  During our new unit we will explore our native & ancient culture thru the lens of artistic expression!  How do you express yourself while happy, sad, full of energy, angry or upset?  Do you sing louder, dance faster, paint more carefully...? How did our Precolombian ancestors express themselves?  
What evidence is left for us to learn more about their way of life?
 Please visit the following online museums to examine different artifacts & see what you can find out!!
Precolombian Art Museum of CHILE (**click here)

ART Artifacts & Descriptors (**Click here)

FLORIDA MUSEUM (**click here)

Yale University Art Gallery (**click here)

THE MET (**click here)

Kimbell Art Museum (**click here)

DP mini project
Kids, please select an artifact (art).
1. Add the image.
2. Please identify where does it come from?
3. Which time does it belong to?
4. What was the purpose or function?
5. Which materials were used?
6. Explain why you selected this piece of art? (What was your interest?)